Friday, June 29, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012

Breakfast - Aircraft Carrier

This is some breakfast food that they have on the ship. The omelet is sort of a pre-made item. It was cold in the middle this time. They are usually ok, just a bit greasy. The other items are corn, and stuffing. 

The below picture was a picture of some pork chops. Usually extremely dry, but these were a bit better. 



Syrup, melted butter, and pancakes. 

These are the phones that we use to call home while on long deployments. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lucky Oyster, Virginia Beach, VA

Some basic pictures of some food from Lucky Oyster. It's a good place to eat overall. Fish tacos are made from tuna and a black taco shell. 

Pho 79 Vietnamese Dining

I had a chance to sample some food from the Pho 79 restaurant. Here are some quick pictures for you to enjoy. Overall, the place was ok. It wasn't uber sporty inside. It had the basic interior design features, paint and tables. Not much. The price is good though. The food was really good. 

It's not in a real bad area. The parking lot could use some work though. It has good food, not overly dressed up, humble and over all good place for Vietnamese food. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Navy Chow and Navy Nap Time

This is.... I really don't know. Oh, well. It was good though. :) The nap is what you TRY to get in. It doesn't mean you will get it. 

Meat and Cheese

Nothing but the routine here. A piece of meat and some mac and cheese. Yummy. You should really visit. :) 

Loading Rounds

A daily journey. Load your rounds, then after your done cruising the ship, you download them. The next person takes the rounds and begins their journey. 

Sailing Center Norfolk, VA

You know, it's nice to drive by the sailing center in Norfolk. I did more sailing in Japan, but this place reminds me of many days gliding on the water. I hope to do it much more.